Grand Canyon - Tabitha Bear


Tabitha Bear

My Story

We’re wired to turn to story to teach us the way of the world. – Lisa Cron

Hello and welcome! I’m Tabitha, a Lënape/Shawnee traveling writer and photographer. I help people meet the world one story at a time and hope it inspires them to write their own adventure. I am a folktale hunter, road trip enthusiast, ginormous bibliophile, and curator of fun facts.

My life wasn’t always about chasing my passion. I worked for nearly ten years in fulfillment centers for major companies. I was an expert in productivity flow; a number cruncher for customer order risk analysis and transportation logistics; and I helped develop team members into leaders.

Traveling and writing are two things I always knew I wanted to do in my life. But outside of that, I wasn’t quite sure how to make that happen as a full-time career. When I started working for Amazon, it seemed like every few months I was picking up my life and moving to another major city in the US. AND I LOVED IT. I’m so grateful working for these companies that helped me figure out how to better shape the life I know I wanted and deserved to have.

I’ve always had some kind of awful blog floating on the internet since ~2000 – anyone remember Angel Fire? Xanga? Live Journal? MySpace? They usually discussed movies, books, teenage angst, and were a low-key evolutionary timeline of the digital camera.

My first digital camera used 3 1/4″ floppies for storage, and they only held about 5 or 6 photos at a time. YIKES.

Towards the end of 2015 is when I truly started to invest in developing a travel blog and my photography skills. Don’t be fooled, it was a rocky start. And even 6 years later, every day presents a learning opportunity for me and my businesses to grow from.

What I Do For You

– I offer online courses.
– Share all kinds of wisdom and shenanigans on my podcast Adventures Of An Entrepren00b.
– Host group trips through Kithakàna Adventures – a company I Co-Founded with Luisa Berry-Smith (The Born Wanderess).

Let’s Work Together!

I’m open to collaborating and working with others. If you’d like to see if we’re a good fit to partner together and share your story, please visit this page.

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