The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.
Eleanor Roosevelt
This is a post you’ll want to bookmark! Regardless if you’re a first-time traveler or veteran explorer, these travel essentials for women are must-have’s. They also make perfect gifts for that adventurer in your life – and great gifts for yourself, too.
Bathroom Essentials
Us women have some specific needs in the bathroom. From periods to peeing, sometimes we require some planning and a bit of innovation.
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Diva Cup
I know these are a love ’em or hate ’em kind of item – but camping with one isn’t so bad, and it’s less you have to pack out (no tampons!). Traveling with a Diva Cup/menstrual cup can help you enjoy your travels a little bit more and pack a little bit less.
Meg from Fox In the Forest provided a really phenomenal post about using your Diva Cup While Camping!
Kula cloth
I was introduced to the Kula Cloth on a camping trip a few years ago. I couldn’t believe I went so long without knowing what these were! If you’ve never heard of a Kula Cloth, they’re used in lieu of toilet paper. And they come in some really great designs for any kind of aesthetic you’re going for.
Hate getting half-naked in the freezing cold to pee? In a dirty situation and don’t want to/can’t sit down? Enjoying my “as seen on TV”-esque introduction? I bring you, the Shewee! A friend gave this to me as a prank gift, and while car camping, it’s definitely been quite useful!
Toiletry Organizer
I mostly use this toiletry organizer when I’m road tripping throughout the US. I stop at a lot of truck stops, I’m randomly camping on the side of the road or finding last minute campsites – and this organizer has been super helpful! My favorite feature is that it has a hanger piece to hook on to doors, walls, or even hang it up in my car. It also packs nicely in my truck or suitcase because of its rectangular design. Love this organizer!
Self Care

Self care looks different for everyone, but it’s so crucial to factor self care into your travels – especially if you’re traveling long term. These are some of my essential self care items, but also self care items I’ve experienced on group trips with other women.
SIDE NOTE: If you’d like to join me on a group trip, check out the group trips I help curate and host with Kithakàna Adventures!
Vitamins & Supplements
I’m a very picky eater, and I eat terribly while traveling. I make sure to bring vitamins/supplements with me so that my body has what it needs. I can carry a lot in this amazing little carrying case.
Tarot Deck
Is this everyone’s version of self care? No. What matters is that I find it soothing, interesting, and on quite a handful of group trips, I’ve bonded with other people over the discussion and reading of tarot cards. They’ve been great ice breakers and conversation pieces! My deck is by Yoshi Yoshitani, and it’s inspired by folklore and fairy tales – incredibly fitting for me, right?!
This particular deck came in a rather large (for traveling) box. So I partnered it with a tarot deck carrying case to bring it on the go in an easier fashion.
I love reading. Even blog about books. I live surrounded by books. They take over every inch of my house. Absolutely, of course I recommend traveling with a Kindle. Their paperwhite has a great battery life and even has a front light system for reading in darker places.
Face Masks
Take the spa to go! I really started to take my self care more seriously while on the road last year, and one of the things I started to do was wear some masks while on long drives. It was super relaxing to feel like I was A) accomplishing something while on the road and B) taking care of myself.
Face Masks
Under Eye masks
Face Wipes

Only a woman would understand why safety items are listed here as travel essentials for women. It’s just better to be prepared.
Something like this. I used to have a really great keychain that looked like a cat, but was meant for self defense. Unfortunately, TSA took it.
Pepper Spray
Trust me, I can’t even believe I’m putting this list together. But I do carry these items with me, especially as a solo, female traveler. You just never know when you might need pepper spray. And sometimes against a wild animal. Crazy shit happens.
I keep a bat in my car. I’ve camped in places where coyotes are running free, or there are bears or wolves. It’s self defense in a variety of ways. You just never know when you might need something.
Clothing Essentials

Here are some of the best clothing essentials fit for anyone!
Fleece-Lined Pants/Leggings
Boy OH boy do I love my fleece-lined leggings. An absolute game changer around the home and while traveling/hiking in colder locations.
Wool Socks
I recently made the mistake of purchasing a cheaper pack of wool socks, and they weren’t wool at all! I was completely fooled. It’s my own fault for straying away from my usual brands. Wool socks are my hiking and traveling go-to, they really are.
Lounge Bra
I had absolutely no idea what a lounge bra was until last year. I now own several, and I am in love. As someone who is exceptionally blessed in the chest area, the lounge bra has made living just a little bit easier. It is so comfortable and if I fall asleep while wearing it, it’s really not that big of a deal.
I’d love to know what your favorite travel essentials for women are!

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